Junior Clinics

Get your kids playing tennis! We have programs and classes for children of all ages. Check out what we offer and call the club to register.

Junior Tennis Director Oksana Fouchadji and our other staff professionals lead junior tennis programming throughout the year. There are options for children of all levels and abilities.

Registration is for a full session. Please contact the club for questions regarding clinic levels. 

Summer Junior Tennis Camps

Full-Day Camps
9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
One hour lunch (campers should pack a lunch)
Match play in afternoons
Cost: $480 per week

Half-Day Camps
9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. or 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Cost: $255 per week

Daily Rates
Full Day Daily Rate: $114
Half Day Daily Rate: $57

Camp Date Modifications
Four-day Camp Week of July 1 (Off Thurs., 7/4)
Four-day Camp Week of July 8 (Off Fri., 7/12)
Four-day Camp, MORNING CAMP ONLY Week of July 15-19 (Off Mon., 7/15)

Clinic Days & Times

Beginner: 5:00-6:00 p.m.

Intermediate: 4:30-6:00 p.m.

Tournament & Varsity Level: 4:30-6:30 p.m.

Intermediate: 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Beginner/Intermediate: 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Intermediate: 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Tournament/Varsity Level: 3:00-5:00 p.m.

Tuesday Clinics

Session 1

Starts 9/5/23, 7 weeks

Session 2

Starts 10/24/23, 8 weeks 

Session 3

Starts 1/2/24, 7 weeks

Session 4

Starts 2/20/24, 7 weeks

Session 5

Starts 4/9/24, 6 weeks

Wednesday Clinics

Session 1

Starts 9/6/23, 7 weeks

Session 2

Starts 10/25/23, 8 weeks 

Session 3

Starts 1/3/24, 7 weeks

Session 4

Starts 2/21/24, 7 weeks

Session 5

Starts 4/10/24, 6 weeks

Thursday Clinics

Session 1

Starts 9/7/23, 7 weeks

Session 2

Starts 10/26/23, 7 weeks (off 11/23)

Session 3

Starts 1/4/24, 7 weeks

Session 4

Starts 2/22/24, 7 weeks

Session 5

Starts 4/11/24, 6 weeks

Friday Clinics

Session 1

Starts 9/8/23, 7 weeks

Session 2

Starts 10/27/23, 7 weeks (off 11/24)

Session 3

Starts 1/5/24, 6 weeks (off 1/26)

Session 4

Starts 2/23/24, 7 weeks

Session 5

Starts 4/12/24, 6 weeks

Saturday Clinics

Session 1

Starts 9/9/23, 7 weeks

Session 2

Starts 10/28/23, 7 weeks (off 11/25)

Session 3

Starts 1/6/24, 6 weeks (off 1/27)

Session 4

Starts 2/24/24, 7 weeks

Session 5

Starts 4/13/24, 6 weeks

Junior Clinic Rates

1-Hour Clinic
6-week rate
Member: $114 Nonmember: $156

7-week rate
Member: $133 Nonmember: $182

8-week rate
Member: $152 Nonmember: $208

1-1/2 Hour Clinic
6-week rate
Member: $171 Nonmember: $213

7-week rate
Member: $199.50 Nonmember: $248.50

8-week rate
Member: $228 Nonmember: $286

2-Hour Clinic 
6-week rate
Member: $228 Nonmember: $270

7-week rate
Member: $266 Nonmember: $315